Problem Set #5 (Part II)

Assigned: May 14, 2020

Due: May 21, 2020


  • Lectures 10, 11, and 12

  • Short lecture on parallel roofline

  • You may also find the videos on page fault / memory management and debugging interesting

  • This assignment is a continuation of Problem Set #5 (Part I)


This assignment is extracted as with the previous assignment into a directory ps5b. The tar file is at this link.


The files that should be extracted from the tape archive file are

  • AOSMatrix.hpp: Header file for array-of-structs sparse matrix

  • COOMatrix.hpp: Header file for coordinate struct-of-arrays sparse matrix

  • CSCMatrix.hpp: Header file for compressed sparse column matrix

  • CSRMatrix.hpp: Header file for compressed sparse row matrix

  • Makefile: Makefile

  • Matrix.hpp: Header for simple dense matrix class

  • Timer.hpp: Header for simple timer class

  • Vector.hpp: Header for simple vector class

  • amath583.{cpp,hpp}: Source and header for basic math operations

  • amath583IO.{cpp,hpp}: Source and header for file I/O

  • amath583sparse.{cpp,hpp}: Source and header for sparse operations

  • bonnie_and_clyde.cpp, bonnie_and_clyde_function_object.cpp: Demo files for bonnie and clyde

  • catch.hpp: Catch2 header file

  • cnorm.{cpp,hpp}, cnorm_test.cpp: Driver, header, and test program for cyclic parallel norm

  • data/ : Some test data files (including Erdos02)

  • fnorm.{cpp,hpp}, fnorm_test.cpp: Driver, header, and test program for task based parallel norm

  • matvec.cpp, matvec_test.cpp: Driver and test programs for sparse matrix-vector product

  • norm_order.cpp, norm_test.cpp: Driver test and program for different implementations of two_norm

  • norm_utils.hpp: Helper functions for norm driver programs

  • pagerank.{cpp,hpp}, pagerank_test.cpp: Driver, header, and test program for pagerank

  • pmatvec.cpp, pmatvec_test.cpp: Parallel matvec driver and test programs

  • pnorm.{cpp,hpp}, pnorm_test.cpp: Driver, header, and test program for block partitioned parallel norm with threads

  • Python pagerank implementation

  • rnorm.{cpp,hpp}, rnorm_test.cpp: Driver, header, and test program for divide-and-conquer parallel norm

  • verify-{all,make,opts,run,test}.bash: Verification scripts for programs in this assignment

Reminer: Sign up For AWS Credits

For the final few assignments in the course we will be using a centralized compute cluster set up on AWS. The credits granted for the course are also centralized, but granted on a per-student basis. Use this link , select University of Washington for your institution and High-Performance Scientific Computing AMATH 583/583 as the course. You do not need a promotional code.


Parallel Roofline

We have been using the roofline model to provide some insight (and some quantification) of the performance we can expect for sequential computation, taking into account the capabilities of the CPU’s compute unit as well as the limitations imposed by the memory hierarchy. These same capabilities and limitations apply once we move to multicore (to parallel computing in general). Some of the capabilities scale with parallelism – the available compute power scales with number of cores, as does the bandwidth for any caches that are directly connected to cores. The total problem size that will fit into cache also scales. Shared cache and main memory do not.

There is a short lecture posted on parallel roofline that goes over this.

For the intrepid, you can run the docker images amath583/ert.openmp.2, amath583/ert.openmp.4, and amath583/ert.openmp to run the ERT on 2, 4, and 8 threads / cores. You can get the sequential profile from amath583/ert. Instructions are the same as from ps4.

The sequential and 8 core results for my laptop are the following:

../_images/roofline-seq.pdf ../_images/roofline-omp-8.pdf

If you want to refer to a roofline model when analyzing some of your results for this assignment, you can either generate your own, refer to mine above, or estimate what yours would be based on what will and will not scale with number of cores.


Parallel Norm

For this problem we are going to explore parallelizing the computation of two_norm in a variety of different ways in order to give you some hands on experience with several of the common techniques for parallelization.

Each of the programs below consists of a header file for your implementation, a driver program, and a test program. The driver program runs the norm computation over a range of problem sizes, over a range of parallelizations. It also runs a sequential base case. It prints out GFlops/s for each problem size and for each number of threads. It also prints out the relative error between the parallel computed norm and the sequential computed norm.

Block Partitioning + Threads

Recall the approach to parallelization outlined in the Design Patterns for Parallel Programming. The first step is to find concurrency – how can we decompose the problem into independent (ish) pieces and then (second step) build an algorithm around that?

The first approach we want to look at with norm is to simply separate the problem into blocks. Computing the sum of squares of the first half (say) of a vector can be done independently of the second half. We can combine the results to get our final result.


The program pnorm.cpp is a driver program that calls the function partitioned_two_norm_a in the file pnorm.hpp. The program as provided uses C++ threads to launch workers, each of which executes a specified block of the vector – from begin to end. Unfortunately, the program is not correct – more specifically, there is a race that causes it to give the wrong answer.

Fix the implementation of partitioned_two_norm_a so that it no longer has a race and so that it achieves some parallel speedup. (Eliminating the race by replacing the parallel solution with a fully sequential solution is not the answer I am looking for.)

Answer the following questions in Questions.rst.

  • What was the data race?

  • What did you do to fix the data race? Explain why the race is actually eliminated (rather than, say, just made less likely).

  • How much parallel speedup do you see for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads?

Block Partitioning + Tasks

One of the C++ core guidelines that we presented in lecture related to concurrent programming was to prefer using tasks to using threads – to think in terms of the work to be done rather than orchestrating the worker to do the work.

The program fnorm.cpp is the driver program for this problem. It calls the functions partitioned_two_norm_a and partitioned_two_norm_b, of which skeletons are provided.

Complete the function partitioned_two_norm_a, using std::async to create futures. You should save the futures in a vector and then gather the returned results (using get) to get your final answer. Use std::launch::async as your launch policy. The skeletons in fnorm.hpp suggest using helper functions as the tasks, but you can use lambda or function objects if you like.

Once you are satisfied with partitioned_two_norm_a, copy it verbatim to partitioned_two_norm_b and change the launch policy from std::launch::async to std::launch::deferred.

Answer the following questions in Questions.rst.

  • How much parallel speedup do you see for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads for partitioned_two_norm_a?

  • How much parallel speedup do you see for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads for partitioned_two_norm_b?

  • Explain the differences you see between partitioned_two_norm_a and partitioned_two_norm_b.

Cyclic Partitioning + Your Choice

Another option for decomposing the two norm computation is to use a “cyclic” or “strided” decomposition. That is, rather than each task operating on contiguous chunks of the problem, each task operates on interleaved sections of the vector.


Complete the body of cyclic_two_norm in cnorm.hpp. The implementation mechanism you use is up to you (threads or tasks). You can use separate helper functions, lambdas, or function objects. The requirements are that the function parallelizes according to the specified number of threads, that it uses a cyclic partitioning (strides), and that it computes the correct answer (within the bounds of floating point accuracy).

Answer the following questions in Questions.rst.

  • How much parallel speedup do you see for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads?

  • How does the performance of cyclic partitioning compare to blocked? Explain any significant differences, referring to, say, performance models or CPU architectural models.

Divide and Conquer + Tasks (AMATH 583 ONLY)

Another approach to decomposing a problem – particularly if you can’t (or don’t want to) try to divide it into equally sized chunks all at once – is to “divide and conquer.” In this approach, our function breaks the problem to be solved into two pieces (“divide”), solves the two pieces, and then combines the results. The twist is that to solve each of the two pieces (“conquer”), the function calls itself.

To see what we mean, suppose we want to take the sum of squares of the elements of a vector (as a precursor for computing the Euclidean norm, say) using a function sum_of_squares. Well, we can abstract that away by pretending we can compute the sum of squares of the first half of the vector and the sum of squares of the second half of the vector. And, we abstract that away by saying we can compute those halves by calling sum_of_sqares.

double sum_of_squares(const Vector& x, size_t begin, size_t end) {
  return sum_of_squares(x, begin, begin+(end-begin)/2)
       + sum_of_squares(x, begin+(end-begin)/2, end) ;

To use an over-used phrase – see what I did there? We’ve defined the function as the result of that same function on two smaller pieces. This is completely correct mathematically, by the way, the sum of squares of a vector is the sum of the sum of squares of two halves of the vector.

Almost. It isn’t correct for the case where end - begin is equal to unity – we can no longer partition the vector. So, in this code example, as with the mathematical example in the sidebar, we need some non-self-referential value (a base case).

With this computation there are several options for a base case. We could stop when the difference between begin and end is unity. We could stop when the difference is sufficiently small. Or, we could stop when we have achieved a certain amount of concurrency (have descended enough levels).

In the latter case:

double sum_of_squares(const Vector& x, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t level) {
  if (level == 0) {
    double sum = 0;
    // code that computes the sum of squares of x from begin to end into sum
    return sum;
  } else {
    return sum_of_squares(x, begin, begin+(end-begin)/2, level-1)
         + sum_of_squares(x, begin+(end-begin)/2, end , level-1) ;

Now, we can parallelize this divide and conquer approach by launching asynchronous tasks for the recursive calls and getting the values from the futures.

The driver program for this problem is in rnorm.cpp.

Complete the implementation for recursive_two_norm_a in rnorm.hpp. Your implementation should use the approach outlined above.

Answer these questions in Questions.rst.

  • How much parallel speedup do you see for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads?

  • What will happen if you use std:::launch::deferred instead of std:::launch::async when launching tasks? When will the computations happen? Will you see any speedup? For your convenience, the driver program will also call recursive_two_norm_b – which you can implement as a copy of recursive_two_norm_a but with the launch policy changed.

General Questions

Answer these questions in Questions.rst.

  • For the different approaches to parallelization, were there any major differences in how much parallel speedup that you saw?

  • You may have seen the speedup slowing down as the problem sizes got larger – if you didn’t keep trying larger problem sizes. What is limiting parallel speedup for two_norm (regardless of approach)? What would determine the problem sizes where you should see ideal speedup? (Hint: Roofline model.)

Conundrum #1

The various drivers for parallel norm take as arguments a minimum problem size to work on, a maximum problem size, and the max number of threads to scale to. In the problems we have been looking at above, we started with a fairly large Vector and then scaled it up and we analyzed the resulting performance with the roofline model. As we also know from our experience thus far in the course, operating with smaller data puts us in a more favorable position to utilize caches well.

Using one of the parallel norm programs you wrote above, run on some small problem sizes:

$ ./pnorm.exe 128 256

What is the result? (Hint: You may need to be patient for this to finish.)

There are two-three things I would like to discuss about this on Piazza:

  1. What is causing this behavior?

  2. How could this behavior be fixed?

  3. Is there a simple implementation for this fix?

You may want to try using one of the profiling tools from the short excursus on profiling to answer 1 definitively.

Answer 1 and 2 (directly above) in Questions.rst.

Full disclosure. If I knew the answer to 3 above, you would have had this assignment several days earlier.

Parallel Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply

Your ps5b subdirectly has a program pmatvec.cpp. This is a driver program identical to matvec.cpp from the midterm, except that each call to mult now has an additional argument to specify the number of threads (equivalently, partitions) to use in the operation. E.g., the call to mult with COO is now

mult(ACOO, x, y, nthreads);

The program runs just like matvec.cpp – it runs sparse matvec and sparse transpose matvec over each type of sparse matrix (we do not include AOS) for a range of problem sizes, printing out GFlops/sec for each. There is an outer loop that repeats this process for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads. (You can adjust problem size and max number of threads to try by passing in arguments on the command line.)

I have the appropriate overloads for mult in amath583sparse.hpp and amath583sparse.cpp. Right now, they just ignore the extra argument and call the matvec (and t_matvec) member function of the matrix that is passed in.

There are six total multiply algorithms – a matvec and a t_matvec member function for each of COO, CSR, and CSC. Since the calls to mult ultimately boil down to a call to the member function, we can parallelize mult by parallelizing the member function.

Partitioning Matrix Vector Product

But, before diving right into that, let’s apply our parallelization design patterns. One way to split up the problem would be to divide it up like we did with two_norm:


(For illustration purposes we represent the matrix as a dense matrix.) Conceptually this seems nice, but mathematically it is incorrect. Since we are partitioning the matrix so that each task has all of the columns of A we also need to be able to access all of the columns of x – so we can’t really partition x though we can partition y and we can partition Arow wise.


If we did want to split up x, we could partition A column wise but then each task has all of the rows of A so we can’t partition y.


(Answer not required in Questions.rst but you should think about this.) What does this situation look like if we are computing the transpose product? If we partition A by rows and want to take the transpose product against x can we partition x or y? Similarly, if we partition A by columns can we partition x or y?

Partitioning Sparse Matrix Vector Product

Now let’s return to thinking about partitioning sparse matrix-vector product. We have three sparse matrix representations: COO, CSR, and CSC. We can really only partition CSR and CSC and we can really only partition CSR by rows and CSC by columns. (The looping over the elements in these formats is over rows and columns for CSR and CSC, respectively in the outer loop – which can be partitioned. The loop orders can’t be changed, and the inner loop can’t really be partitioned based on index range.)

So that leaves four algorithms with partitionings – CSR partitioned by row for matvec and transpose matvec and CSC partitioned by column for matvec and transposed matvec. For each of the matrix formats, one of the operations allowed us to partition x and the other to partition y.

(Answer not required in Questions.rst but you should think about this and discuss on Piazza.) Are there any potential problems with not being able to partition x? Are there any potential problems with not being able to partition y? (In parallel computing, “potential problem” usually means race condition.)

Implement the safe-to-implement parallel algorithms as the appropriate overloaded member functions in CSCMatrix.hpp and CSRMatrix.hpp. The prototype should be the same as the existing member functions, but with an additional argument specifying the number of partitions. You will need to add the appropriate #include statements for any additional C++ library functionality you use. You will also need to modify the appropriate dispatch function in amath583sparse.cpp (these are already overloaded with number of partitions but only call the sequential member functions) – search for “Fix me”.

Answer the following in Questions.rst.

  • Which methods did you implement?

  • How much parallel speedup do you see for the methods that you implemented for 1, 2, 4, and 8 threads?

Accelerating PageRank

Your ps5b subdirectory contains a program pagerank.cpp. It takes as an argument a file specifying a graph (a set of connections), creates a right stochastic sparse matrix with that and then runs the pagerank algorithm. The program also takes optional flag arguments

$ ./pagerank.exe
Usage: ./pagerank.exe [-l label_file] [-a alpha] [-t tol] [-n num_threads] [-i max_iters] [-v N] input_file

The -l option specifies an auxiliary file that can contain label information for the entities being ranked (there is only one example I have with a label file), the -a option specifies the “alpha” parameter for the pagerank algorithm, -t specifies the convergence tolerance, -n specifies the number of threads to run with the program, -i specifies the maximum number of iterations to run of the pagerank algorithm, and -v specifies how many entries of the (ranked) output to print.

There are some small examples files in the ps5b/data subdirectory:

$ ./pagerank.exe -l data/Erdos02_nodename.txt -v 10 data/Erdos02.mtx
# elapsed time [read]: 8 ms
Converged in 41 iterations
# elapsed time [pagerank]: 2 ms
0       0.000921655
1       0.00149955
2       0.000289607
3       0.00148465
4       0.000905182
5       0.00141333
6       0.000174406
7       0.00106162
8       0.000445909
9       0.000400393
# elapsed time [rank]: 0 ms
0       6926    0.0190492       ERDOS PAUL
1       502     0.0026224       ZAKS, SHMUEL
2       303     0.00259231      MCELIECE, ROBERT J.
3       444     0.00256273      STRAUS, ERNST GABOR*
4       261     0.00252477      KRANTZ, STEVEN GEORGE
5       391     0.00240435      SALAT, TIBOR
6       354     0.00239376      PREISS, DAVID
7       299     0.0023167       MAULDIN, R. DANIEL
8       231     0.00230076      JOO, ISTVAN*
9       474     0.00223145      TUZA, ZSOLT

This prints the time the program ran and since we had specified 10 to the -v option, it prints the first 10 values of the pagerank vector and then the entries corresponding to the 10 largest values. Since we had a label file in this case we also printed the associated labels. As expected, Paul Erdos is at the top.

The file Erdos02.mtx contains a co-authorship list of various authors. Running pagerank on that data doesn’t compute Erdos numbers, but it does tell us (maybe) who are the “important” authors in that network.

Erdos02.mtx is a very small network – 6927 authors and 8472 links and our C++ program computes its pagerank in just few milliseconds – hardly worth the trouble to accelerate. However, many problems of interest are much larger (such as the network of links in the world wide web).

Graph Data Files

I have uploaded a set of data files that are somewhat larger – enough to be able to see meaningful speedup with parallelization but not so large as to overwhelm your disk space or network connection (hopefully). The Canvas announcement about this assignment has a link to the Google Drive folder containing the files.

Several of the graphs are available in ASCII format (“.mtx”) or binary format (“.mmio”). I suggest using the binary format as that will load much more quickly when you are doing experiments.

If you want to find out more specific information about any of these graphs, they were downloaded from where you can search on the file name to get all of the details.


Run pagerank.exe as it is (unaccelerated) on some of the large-ish graphs. You should be seeing compute times on the order of a few seconds to maybe ten or so seconds.

I checked the pagerank program with a profiler and found that it spends a majority of its time in mult, more specifically in CSR::t_matvec. This is the function we want to speed up.

(And by speeding up – I mean, maybe, use – since we already sped it up above. If you add the number of partitions as an argument to mult, the program should “work”.)


Calibration point

Your ps5b subdirectory also contains a python file with the networkx pagerank algorithm, which is more or less what is implemented in pagerank.hpp. I added a small driver to measure time taken for various operations (I/O, pagerank itself, sorting).

Try running it on a small example problem (like Erdos)

$ python3 data/Erdos02.mtx

How much faster is the C++ version than the python version? How long would one of the larger graphs you tried with pagerank.exe be expected to take if the same ratio held?

Conundrum #2

Or is CSR::t_matvec the function we want to speed up?

Ideally, we would just add another argument to the call to mult in pagerank and invoke the parallel version. But getting high performance from an application involves creating the application so it functions efficiently as a whole. As the creator of the application, you get to (have to) make the decisions about what pieces to use for a particular situation.

In the case of pagerank.cpp I wrote this initially using the CSR sparse matrix format – that’s usually a reasonable default data structure to use. But, in pagerank we are not calling CSR::matvec rather we are calling CSR::t_matvec – which would be fine – for a purely sequential program. And now we want to parallelize it to improve the performance.

But, we have control over the entire application. We don’t need to simply dive down to the most expensive operation and parallelize that. We can also evaluate the application as a whole and think about some of the other decisions we made – and perhaps make different decisions that would let us accomplish the acceleration we want to more easily.

To be more specific. Above we noted that only two of the six “matrix vector” multiply variants were actually amenable to partition-based parallelization. Since mult is the kernel operation in pagerank, we should think about perhaps choosing an appropriate data structure so that we can take advantage of the opportunities for parallelization. And realize also we don’t have to call the transpose matrix product to compute the transposed product (we could send in the transposed matrix).

The second discussion I would like to see on Piazza is:

  1. What are the two “matrix vector” operations that we could use?

  2. How would we use the first in pagerank? I.e., what would we have to do differently in the rest of pagerank.cpp to use that first operation?

  3. How would we use the second?

Answer these questions also in Questions.rst.

Implement one of the alternatives we discuss as a class.

For this problem – and this problem only – you may share small snippets of code on Piazza. It’s okay if everyone turns in the same two (or so) solutions – but everyone needs to actually put the code into the right place in their files and compile and run themselves. You should not need to change anything but the files pagerank.hpp and pagerank.cpp so snippets of shared code should be restricted to those files. Don’t reveal answers, for instance, from the sparse matrix-vector multiply implementations.

What is the largest graph you solved?

Submitting Your Work

Do a make clean in your ps5b directory and then create a tarball ps5b-submit.tar.gz containing all of the files in that directory. From within the ps5b directory:

$ cd ps5b
$ make clean
$ cd ..
$ tar zcvf ps5b-submit.tar.gz --exclude "./ps5b/.vscode" ./ps5b

If you relied on any external references, list them in a file refs.txt and include that in your tarball as well (in the ps5b subdirectory).