Final Exam

Assigned: June 6, 2020

Due: June 16, 2020


  • Lectures 17, 18, 19


The tar file for this assignment will be available on /efs/home/public/assignments on AWS. The file has also been extracted into /efs/home/public/final

The head node for this assignment is at IP address A config file entry might look like the following

host final
  User al75
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/al75_id_rsa

When you extract (or copy) the files, you will have the following directory structure:

├── Questions.rst
├── grid/
│   ├── Final.hpp
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── grid.bash
│   ├── grid.cpp
│   ├── mpiStencil.hpp
│   ├──
│   ├── strong.bash
│   └── weak.bash
├── hello/
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── hello.bash
│   └── hello.cpp
├── include/
│   ├── Grid.hpp
│   ├──
│   ├── Stencil.hpp
│   ├── cg.hpp
│   ├── ir.hpp
│   └── jacobi.hpp
├── norm/
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├──
│   ├── mpi_norm.bash
│   ├── mpi_norm.cpp
│   ├── omp_norm.cpp
│   ├──
│   ├── sequential_norm.cpp
│   ├── strong.bash
│   └── weak.bash
├── pi/
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── pi-block.cpp
│   ├── pi-cpp.cpp
│   └── pi-cyclic.cpp
├── pingpong/
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── pingpong.bash
│   ├── pingpong.cpp
│   ├── ring.bash
│   ├── ring.cpp
│   └── verify.bash
└── warmup/
    ├── hello_script.bash
    ├── hello_script_m.bash
    └── hello_script_p.bash

Note that the include directory only has files new to this assignment. The other header files are referred to from the public location


The make rules in final/include/ include an include directory directive to point the compiler there.

Iterative Solvers

At the core of most (if not almost all) scientific computing programs is a linear system solver. That is, to solve a system of PDEs, we need to discretize the problem in space to get a system of ODEs. The system of ODEs is discretized in time to get a sequence of nonlinear algebraic problems. The nonlinear problems are solved iteratively, using a linear approximation at each iteration. It is the linear problem that we can solve computationally – and there is an enormous literature on how to do that.

A linear system is canonically posed as $ Ax = b $ where our task is to find an \(x\) that makes the equation true. The classical method for solving a linear system is to use Gaussian elimination (equivalently, LU factorization). Unfortunately, LU factorization is an \(O(N^3)\) computation, with a structure similar to that of matrix-matrix product (in fact, LU factorization can be reduced to a series of matrix-matrix products, and high-performance implementations of matmat are used to make high-performance versions of linear system solvers).

One motivation that we discussed for using sparse matrix representations (and sparse matrix computations) is that many linear systems – notably those derived from PDEs using the pattern above – only involve a few variables in every equation. It is generally much more efficient in terms of computation and memory to solve linear systems iteratively using sparse matrix methods rather than using LU factorization. The most commonly used iterative methods (Krylov subspace methods) have as their core operation a sparse matrix-vector product rather than a dense matrix-matrix product. Besides being more efficient, sparse matrix-vector product is much more straightforward to parallelize than dense matrix-matrix product.

A prototypical problem for linear system solvers is Laplace’s equation: \(\nabla^2 \phi = 0\). As illustrated in lecture (e.g., Lecture 17), one interpretation of the discretized Laplace’s equation is that the solution satisfies the property that the value the solution phi(i,j) at each grid point is equal to the average of its neighbors. We made two, seemingly distinct, observations based on that property.

First, we noted that we could express that property as a system of linear equations. If we map the 2D discretization phi(i,j) to a 1D vector x(k) such that

phi(i,j) == x(i*N + j)

(where N is the number of discrete points in one dimension of the discretized domain) then we can express the discretized Laplace’s equation in the form \(Ax = b\). In that case, each row of the matrix represents a linear equation of the form:

\[x_i - (x_{i-1} + x_{i+1} + x_{i-N} + x_{i+N})/4 = 0 .\]

Second, we remarked that one could solve the discretized Laplace’s equation iteratively such that at each iteration \(k\) we compute the updated approximate value of each grid point to be the average of that grid point’s neighbors:

\[\phi^{k+1}_{i,j} = (\phi^{k}_{i-1,j} + \phi^{k}_{i+1,j} + \phi^{k}_{i,j-1} + \phi^{k}_{i,j+1}) / 4.\]

Note that once \(\phi^{k+1}_{i,j} = \phi^{k}_{i,j}\) for all \(i\) and \(j\), then we also have

\[\phi^{k}_{i,j} - (\phi^{k}_{i-1,j} + \phi^{k}_{i+1,j} + \phi^{k}_{i,j-1} + \phi^{k}_{i,j+1}) / 4 = 0,\]

which means \(\phi^{k}\) in that case solves the discretized Laplace’s equation.

Now, given the mapping between \(x\) and \(\phi\), the equations above are saying the same thing. Or, in other words, iterating through the grid and updating values of the grid variables according to a defined stencil is equivalent to the product of matrix by a vector. In the former case, we are representing our unknowns on a 2D grid – in the latter case we are representing them in a 1D vector. But, given the direct mapping between the 2D and 1D representations, we have the same values on the grid as in the vector (and we know how to get from one to the other). And, most importantly, we know that we can compute the result of the matrix by vector product by iterating through the equivalent grid and applying a stencil.

That turns out to be a profound realization for two reasons. First, we don’t have to create a 1D vector to represent knowns or unknowns in our problem. Our problem is described on 2D grids, we can keep it on 2D grids. Second, and here is the really significant part, we don’t need to form the matrix :math:`A` to solve :math:`Ax=b`. Read that last sentence again. We can solve \(Ax=b\) without every forming \(A\).

So how do we do that? Again, with the class of Krylov solvers, we only need to form the product of \(A\) times \(x\) as a core operation to solve \(Ax = b\). In the context of the solver, we don’t need the matrix \(A\), we just need the result of multiplying \(A\) times \(x\) – which we can do with a stencil.

Writing Jacobi as an Iteration with Matrix-Vector Product

In lecture we noted that we could express the “in-place” iterative update of the grid variables this way:

int jacobi(Grid& Phi0, size_t max_iters) {
  Grid Phi1(Phi0);
  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < max_iters; ++iter) {
    for (size_t i = 1; i < Phi0.numX()-1; ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 1; j < Phi.numY()-1; ++j) {
        Phi1(i, j) = (Phi0(i-1, j) + Phi0(i+1, j) + Phi0(i, j-1) + Phi0(i, j+1))/4.0;
    swap(Phi0, Phi1);
  return max_iters;

An equivalent expression would be the following:

int jacobi(Grid& Phi, size_t max_iters) {
  Grid R(Phi);
  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < max_iters; ++iter) {
    for (size_t i = 1; i < Phi.numX()-1; ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 1; j < Phi.numY()-1; ++j) {
        R(i, j) = Phi(i,j) - (Phi(i-1, j) + Phi(i+1, j) + Phi(i, j-1) + Phi(i, j+1))/4.0;
    Phi = Phi - R;
  return max_iters;

But notice what the two inner loops are: we are computing R Phi as an explicit stencil operation to effect \(R = A \times \phi\)

Let’s refactor and rewrite jacobi in a slightly more reusable and modular fashion. First, let’s define an operator between a stencil and a grid that applies the Laplacian.

Grid operator*(const Stencil& A, const Grid& x) {
  Grid y(x);

  for (size_t i = 1; i < x.numX()-1; ++i) {
    for (size_t j = 1; j < x.numY()-1; ++j) {
      y(i, j) = x(i,j) - (x(i-1, j) + x(i+1, j) + x(i, j-1) + x(i, j+1))/4.0;
  return y;

In general, we might want to carry this iteration with the stencil, and just dispatch to it from here (and use subtype or parametric polymorphism), but we are going to just use the Laplacian stencil here.

Now we can define a simple iterative solver (“ir” for iterative refinement):

size_t ir(const Stencil& A, Grid& x, const Grid& b, size_t max_iter) {
  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter) {
    Grid r = b - A*x;
    x += r;
  return max_iter;

Question for the reader. What do we need stencil to provide in this case? How would we define it? (Answer this question for yourself before you look into Stencil.hpp.

Second question for the reader. What functions do you need to define so that you can compile and run the code just as it is above – meaning, using matrix and vector notation? Again, answer this to yourself before looking in Grid.cpp.

(NB: Using the ir routine above is only equivalent to jacobi when we have unit diagonals in the matrix, otherwise we would need the additional step of doing that division (the general practice of which is known as preconditioning). But we’ve defined things here so that that they will work without needing to worry about preconditioning for now – even though preconditioning turns out to be a very important issue in real solvers.)


Compute cluster

The compute cluster for this assignment is set up in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud just for this course and will be taken down once the course is completed. (NB: If you are interested in experimenting with parallel computing on your own or for a research project after this course, please let me know directly and I will try to see if we can make some arrangements to keep some of the clusters running a bit longer.)

The current IP address is:

The compute cluster is a shared compute resource, which sharing includes the compute resources themselves, as well as the file system. When you are logged in to the head node, other students will also be logged in at the same time, so be considerate of your usage. In particular,

  • Use the cluster only for assignments in this course (no mining bitcoins or other activities for which a cluster might seem useful),

  • Do not run anything compute-intensive on the head node,

  • Do not run anything using mpirun on the head node,

  • Do not put any really large files on the cluster, and

  • Do not attempt to look at other students’ work.

Sanity Check(s)

Once you are connected to the head node, there are a few quick sanity checks you can do to check out (and learn more about) the cluster environment.

To find out more about the head node itself, try

% more /proc/cpuinfo

This will return copious information about the cores on the head node. Of interest are how many cores there are.

You should also double check the C++ compiler, the mpic++ compiler, and mpirun.

% c++ --version
% mpic++ --version

These should both print information about the installed version of clang. And, finally, issuing

% mpirun --version

should print out a message indicating that it is Open MPI.

Batch queue

We will be using the Slurm batch queuing system for this assignment, which we will discuss in more detail below. To get some information about it, you can issue the command

% sinfo

This will print a summary of the compute nodes along with some basic details about their capabilities.

If you pass the -N argument to sinfo you will get the info printed on a per-node basis. Passing the -l (ell) flag will provide additional information.

You may see a list that looks something like this

% sinfo -N -l
Sat Jun  8 05:04:34 2019
ip-10-11-10-44       1  compute*        idle    2    2:1:1   3711    16810      1   (null) none
ip-10-11-10-197      1  compute*        idle    2    2:1:1   3711    16810      1   (null) none
ip-10-11-10-201      1  compute*        idle    2    2:1:1   3711    16810      1   (null) none
ip-10-11-10-219      1  compute*        idle    2    2:1:1   3711    16810      1   (null) none

(“man sinfo” to access documentation to explain the different columns.)

The command “squeue” on the other hand will provide information about the jobs that are currently running (or waiting to be run) on the nodes.

% squeue
% squeue -arl

(“man squeue” to access information about the squeue command.)

Warm Up

Investigating the Cluster Queues

One program that is interesting to run across the cluster is the hostname command because it will do something different on different nodes (namely, print out the unique hostname of that machine). This can be very useful for quickly diagnosing issues with a cluster – and for just getting a feeling for how the queuing system works.

As an example, try the following:

% srun hostname

This will run the hostname command on one of the cluster nodes and return the results to your screen. You should see a different node name than the node you are logged into.

To run the same thing on multiple different nodes in the cluster, try the following:

% srun -n 8 hostname

The “-n 8” argument indicates that srun should run the indicated program – in this case, hostname, as 8 tasks.

This is different than using -N (capital N):

% srun -N 8 hostname

The “-N 8” argument indicates that srun should run the indicated program on 8 nodes.

The nodes in our cluster may have multiple CPU cores per nodes – so running 8 tasks may require only 2 or 4 nodes. However, specifying only four nodes will run 1 process per node (these processes can be multithreaded, however). Inspect the output from running the two version (-n 8 vs -N 8) and see if the output is consistent with two tasks per node.


When launching MPI programs, you may see a warning like the following in your output file:

[[56201,1],1]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging module
was unable to find any relevant network interfaces:

Module: OpenFabrics (openib)
  Host: ip-10-11-15-142

Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.

This is just a warning that Open MPI could not find an Infiniband network module (which is not available on AWS). It can be safely ignored for this assignment.

Try running srun with hostname a few times. Experiment with various numbers of nodes. The fleet will currently only expand to 32 compute nodes, so if you request more nodes than that your job will not run (or may be rejected by srun).


In the last assignment we looked at basic use of srun and sbatch and ran the following:

$ sbatch hello_script.bash

Look at the contents of the output file from this run. How many instances of the script were run (how many “hello” messages were printed)?

We can implement multiple instances with sbatch:

$ sbatch -N 4 hello_script.bash

How many instances were run?

This is different than what you might have expected. Run the script with srun

% srun -N 4 hello_script.bash

How many “hello” messages were printed?

The difference between the sbatch and the srun command is that sbatch just puts your job into the queuing system and requests resources to potentially run a parallel job (the -N option). But it doesn’t run the job in parallel. Running a job in parallel is the performed by srun (or, from a job in the queue, with mpirun).

Consider the following script (hello_script_p.bash), slightly modified from hello_script.bash:

echo "Hello from Slurm"
srun hostname
echo "Goodbye"

Here, we run hostname with srun – note that we have not specified how many nodes we want. Launch a few trials of the second script

% sbatch hello_script_p.bash
% sbatch -N 2 hello_script_p.bash
% sbatch -N 4 hello_script_p.bash

Look at the .out files for each job. How many instances of hostname were run in each case? How many “hello” messages were printed?

We can also use mpirun to launch parallel jobs (and is what we will need to run our MPI jobs):

echo "Hello from Slurm"
mpirun hostname
echo "Goodbye"

(This script is hello_script_m.bash)

Again, run this script a few different ways and see if the results are what you expect.

% sbatch hello_script_m.bash
% sbatch -N 2 hello_script_m.bash
% sbatch -N 4 hello_script_m.bash

sbatch and srun accept the same command-line arguments – so, again, tehre is a difference between -n and -N.


If you run mpirun directly on the front-end node – it will run – but will launch all of your jobs on the front-end node, where everyone else will be working. This is not a way to win friends. Or influence people. You also won’t get speed-up since you are using only one node (the front-end node).


Don’t ever run your MPI programs by invoking mpirun manually.

Autoscaling and Ganglia

A final note on using the AWS cluster. It is currently configured to “autoscale” – that is, when there is not a large demand for nodes it shuts them down (maintaining a minimum of 4 up at all times). If you submit a job with a value of -N that requires more nodes than are currently available, AWS will spin some more up. However, this will take a few minutes to complete. Your job will wait in the queue in the meantime.

If you want to see what the cluster is doing (how many nodes are up, how loaded they are, etc), you can visit the page http://IP/ganglia/ , where IP is the IP address of the head node. This shows a number of statistics from the cluster, monitored in real time.

Compiling and Running an MPI Program

As we have emphasized in lecture, MPI programs are not special programs in any way, other than that they make calls to functions in an MPI software library. An MPI program is a plain old sequential program, regardless of the calls to MPI functions. (This is in contrast to, say, an OpenMP program where there are special directives for compilation into a parallel program.)

Given that, we can compile an MPI program into an executable with the same C++ complier that we would use for a sequential program without MPI function calls. However, using a third-party library (not part of the standard library) requires specifying the location of include files, the location of library archives, which archives to link to, and so forth. Since MPI itself only specifies its API, implementations vary in terms of where their headers and archives are kept. Moreover, it is often the case that a parallel programmer may want to experiment with different MPI implementations with the same program.

It is of course possible (though not always straightforward) to determine the various directories and archives needed for compiling an MPI program. Most (if not all) implementations make this process transparent to the user by providing a “wrapper compiler” – a script (or perhaps a C/C++ program) that properly establishes the compilation environment for its associated MPI implementation. Using the wrapper compiler, as user does not have to specify the MPI environment. The wrapper compiler is simply invoked as any other compiler – and the MPI-associated bits are handled automagically.

The wrapper compilers associated with most MPI implementations are named along the lines of “mpicc” of “mpic++” for compiling C and C++, respectively. These take all of the same options as their underlying (wrapped) compiler. The default wrapped compiler is specified when the MPI implementation is built, but it can usually be over-ridden with appropriate command-line and/or environment settings. For MPI assignments in this course, the compiler is named mpic++ – the same name is used by both MPICH and Open MPI.


In one of the scripts above, we used mpirun to launch a program that didn’t have any MPI function calls in it. Again, in some sense, there is no such thing as “an MPI program.” There are only processes, some of which may use MPI library functions to communicate with each other. But mpirun does not in any way inspect what the processes actually do, so it will launch programs without MPI just as well as programs that do call MPI.

What it does do is set up a communication runtime system that enables programs that do make MPI function calls to be able to execute those function calls.

Hello MPI World

For your first non-trivial (or not completely trivial) MPI program, try the hello world program we presented in lecture, provided as hello.cpp in your final/hello subdirectory.

The basic command to compile this program is

$ mpic++ hello.cpp

Note however, that to use all of the other arguments that we have been using in this course with C++ (such as -std=c++11, -Wall, etc), we need to pass those in too – so we rely on make to automate this for us.

$ make hello.exe

which will create an executable hello.exe. Once you have hello.cpp compiled, run it!

$ srun -n 4 hello.exe

There is also a script in your directory that you can experiment with

$ sbatch -n 4 hello.bash

Experiment with different numbers of processes, being aware of the resource limitation of the compute fleet.

In general, you should prefer sbatch and scripts to srun.

Ping Pong

The point to point example we showed in class used MPI to communicate – to bounce a message back and forth. Rather than including all of the code for that example in the text here, I refer you to the included program final/pingpong.cpp.

Take a few minutes to read through pingpong.cpp and determine how the arguments get passed to it and so forth.

Build the executable program pingpong.exe. In this case the program can take a number of “rounds” – how many times to bounce the token back and forth. Note also that the token gets incremented on each “volley”. Launch this program with . Note that we are passing command line information in to this program. Note also that we are not testing the rank of the process for the statement

if (argc >= 2) rounds = std::stol(argv[1]);

What are we assuming in that case about how arguments get passed? Is that a valid assumption? How would you modify the program to either “do the right thing” or to recognize an error if that assumption were not actually valid?

Does this program still work if we launch it on more than two processes? Why or why not?



In the MPI ping-pong example we sent a token back and forth between two processes, which, while actually quite amazing, is still only limited to two processes.

Complete the code in ring.cpp so that instead of simply sending a token from process 0 to 1 and then back again, the token is sent from process 0 to 1, then from 1 to 2, then from 2 to 3 – etc until it comes back to 0. As with the ping pong example above, increment the value of the token every time it is passed.

Hint: The strategy is that you want to receive from myrank-1 and send to myrank+1. It is important to note that this will break down if myrank is zero or if it is mysize-1 because there is no rank -1 or mysize. These cases could be addressed explicitly. (Or, since with everything else in MPI, there may be capabilities in the library for handling this situation, since it is not uncommon.)

A completed ring.cpp program.


We couldn’t visit another high-performance computing paradigm without using it to compute the Euclidean norm of a vector. Computing the Euclidean norm with MPI has two parts, and the difficult part isn’t the one you would expect.

The mpi_norm

The statement for this part of the problem is: Write a function that takes a vector and returns its (Euclidean) norm.

That is easy to state, but we have to think for a moment about what it means in the context of CSP. Again, this function is going to run on multiple separate processes. So, first of all, there is not really such a thing as “a vector or “its norm”. Rather, each process will have its own vector and each process can compute the norm of that vector (or, more usefully, it can compute the sum of squares of that vector because we have to then take a global sum of all of those pieces to compute the final norm). Together, the different vectors on each process can be considered to be one distributed vector – but the distributed vector as an actual “thing” only exists in the mind of the programmer.

But now what do we mean by “its norm”? If we consider the local vectors on each process to be part of a larger global vector, then what we have to do is compute the local sum of squares, add all of those up, and then take the square root of the resulting global sum. This immediately raises another question though. We have some number of separate processes running. How (and where) are the individual sums “added up”? Where (and how) is the square root taken? Which process gets (or which processes get) the result?

Typically, we write individual MPI programs working with local data as if they were a single program working on the global data. That can be useful, but it is paramount to keep in mind what is actually happening.

With this in mind, generally, the local vectors are parts of a larger vector and we do a global reduction of the sum of squares and then either broadcast out the sum of squares (in which case all of the local processes can take the square root), or we reduce the sum of squares to one process, take the square root, and then broadcast the result out. Since the former can be done efficiently with one operation (all-reduce), that is the typical approach.

Distributing the vector

Now here is the harder question that I alluded to above. In previous assignments you have been asked to test and time your implementations of norm. A random vector is usually created to compare the sequential result to the parallel result (or to differently ordered sequential results). But how do we generate a distributed random vector across multiple independent processes, each of which will be calling its own version of randomize()? More specifically, how do we make a distributed vector that is the “same” as a sequential one (with the same total number of elements)? We need to create the “same” vector if we are going to, say, check it for correctness.

We don’t want to have every node separately call randomize. – in that case, each node would fill in the same values (random numbers on a computer are algorithmically generated – each node runs the same algorithm from the same starting point – hence generating the same values). Instead, we want a single random vector partitioned and distributed across the nodes.

To properly compute the norm of a vector in parallel, first, let’s get a truly distributed random vector (so that each process has a piece of a larger vector, not the same copy of a smaller vector). One approach to dealing with issues such as this (the same kind of problem shows up when, say, reading data from a file) is to get all the data needed on one node (typically node 0) and then scatter it to the other nodes using MPI_Scatter.

Second, we need to get the final computed norm to all of the processes rather than just to a single process.

Finally, for testing, we want to check that all of the compute nodes have the same value. We can make this check on one node, using, say, the inverse operation of scatter (gather).

Complete the program mpi_norm.

  1. The program takes in the (global) size of a vector ($log_24 of its size). It should then scatter the vector out to all of the other processes (assume everything is a power of two) using an MPI collective operation. This has been completed for you.

  2. The compute nodes should compute their local contributions to the global norm. Use another MPI collective operation to combine those results and send the results to all of the compute nodes so that a consistent value of the norm can be computed on all compute nodes. To realize this, complete the function mpi_norm in mpi_norm.cpp.

In addition to testing, we also have been evaluating our programs for how they scale with respect to problem size and to number of threads/processes. We will continue this process for this problem. In distributed memory, however, the issue of timing becomes a little touchy, because there is no real notion of time across the different processes – but we need one number to measure to determine whether we are scaling or not.


To complete the scaling studies at reasonable problem sizes (and scales) we will likely need a cluster with more compute nodes, each compute node having more memory than the current cluster. Fortunately, I should be able to make that change without disrupting the queueing or the front-end node.

Run the script strong.bash. This will run mpi_norm.exe for a set of problem sizes for different numbers of processes and plot the resulting times. Turn in the generated pdf file.

Run the script weak.bash. This will run mpi_norm.exe for different sizes and different numbers of processors – keeping the local problem size constant. Turn in the generated pdf file.

Per our discussions in lectures past about weak vs strong scaling, do the plots look like what you would expect? Describe any (significant) differences (if any).

For strong scaling, at what problem size (and what number of nodes) does parallelization stop being useful? Explain.

Solving Laplace’s Equation

The files that you will edit for this part of the assignment are in the grid subdirectory. In the include subdirectory you will find the following files:

  • Grid.hpp implements a rectangular grid

  • Stencil.hpp iplements a stencil operator (in particular, it implements the operator* between a stencil and a grid)

  • ir.hpp that implements iterative refinement as described above

  • jacobi.hpp that implements the Jacobi iteration to solve Laplace’s equation

  • cg.hpp that implements the conjugate gradient algorithm

Your assignment is to parallelize – with MPI – these algorithms.

Your work will be carried out in the following files:

  1. mpiStencil.hpp: contains implementation of the operator* function. This is basically the same as the sequential version except there is a call to update_halo(). You will need to fill in the body of this function. It takes a Grid x as an argument and should update the boundary values of x with the appropriate values from its neighbors. This problem is the focus of this assignment.

  2. Final.hpp: contains an implementation of the ir(…) function. This is an overload of the ir(…) function in ir.cpp – it just takes an mpiStencil rather than a plain Stencil. In looking at the different functions called in the sequential version of ir() – what needs to change here to make it a parallel ir()? We have discussed everything you need for this in lecture. You may want to change the names of some functions that are called here but you probably do not need any MPI code in there directly. There is a Big Hint in the function that is defined at the top of Final.hpp (and that you will be finishing in the next question).

  3. Final.hpp contains an implementation of the mpiDot() function.
    Think very carefully about this one. In this operation the distinction between real boundaries in your problem and the “pseudo-boundaries” realized by the ghost cells does become important.
  4. 583 only Repeat 2 but for the cg() algorithm also included in Final.cpp.

There is a single driver program in the grid subdirectory to run the sequential and parallel versions of ir, jacobi, and cg.

This program takes a number of arguments:

  • one of -j, -i, or -c to select jacobi, ir, or cg solver, respectively

  • -x and -y specify the grid dimensions for the discretized Laplace’s equation

  • -m specifies the maximum number of iterations to run the algorithm

  • -t specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterations

  • -d turns on debugging output

  • -p specifies that the program should be run in parallel

You can run the program sequentially on the front end machine (the one you logged into). It will print the norm of the residual at each iteration of the algorithm.

The output from the sequential algorithm should match the corresponding parallel algorithm. E.g.., running parallel ir should give the same results as running sequential ir.

For running the parallel version of the program with sbatch, use the grid.bash script, e.g.,

$ sbatch --ntasks 8 -N 4 grid.bash -m 128

The grid.bash script automatically passes the -p option to grid.exe so you don’t need to specify that.


Finally, once you have your iterative solvers working to your satisfaction, run the scripts weak.bash and strong.bash. This will perform runs to create weak and strong scaling plots for the solvers.

Per our discussions in lectures past about weak vs strong scaling, do the plots look like what you would expect? Describe any (significant) differences (if any).

For strong scaling, at what problem size (and what number of nodes) does parallelization stop being useful?

Submitting Your Work

Do a make clean in your final directory and then create a tar ball final.tar.gz containing all of the files in that directory. From within the final directory:

$ cd final
$ make clean
$ cd ..
$ tar zcvf final-submit.tar.gz --exclude "./final/.vscode" ./final

If you relied on any external references, list them in a file refs.txt and include that in your tarball as well (in the final subdirectory).